Statistical data includes reporting of exposure and loss experience on the direct business written by carriers for all workers compensation, voluntary compensation and employers liability insurance in Pennsylvania for ten reporting levels. This information is reported to the PCRB and is used for such purposes as promulgation of experience ratings, derivation of class rates and loss costs and as a basis for various analytical reports of market features and characteristics.
Announcements | The latest news and announcements about Unit Statistical Data Reporting. |
UDM Demonstration | Online UDM training session for carrier users who are responsible for submitting electronic unit statistical data. |
Unit Data Manager | Web-based application which allows carriers to search, enter, edit, submit and monitor their unit statistical reporting information. |
Unit Data Manager User Guide | Contains essential information on how to navigate, search, view and enter unit statistical data within the application. |
UDM Edit Matrix | Contains a list of the edits performed by UDM. |
Unit Data Validation Results | Contains information on how to access your unit statistical data validation results electronically. |
USR Guidebook | Contains instruction on resolving critical errors, various reporting scenarios and addressing data quality inquiries. |
Electronic Submission Guidelines | Contains the standard electronic submission procedures for the reporting of unit statistical information. |